Who We Are

Our Mission – To Reach the World for Jesus

Performing GOSPEL MAGIC is a very different and exciting way to visually tell BIBLE TRUTHS to children and adults alike. Our files are full of testimonies from Christian performers all over the world who are reaching people and witnessing to souls of those who have never heard THE WORD OF JESUS CHRIST before. This is the prime mission of our company and our chosen way to help win the souls of the lost!

The Simplicity of our Products

Most everything we make is very easy to do. This is one of our first considerations when we take on the production of a new trick. If you tell us you are new in magic and order something we don’t think you can do, we’ll let you know… Only rarely does someone tell us they can’t do one of our effects. Our instructions are well written and very explanatory.

The Importance of Quality

You will find all of the magic items listed here and in our catalog to be high quality and items you will be proud to present and display. Some of the finest magic books on the market today are produced in our printing plant.

Many of the secular books and tricks that we produce for other dealers are sold annually in such places as Disneyland, Disneyworld, and others. It is gratifying to, almost daily, have someone write in and compliment us on our quality and thank us for making our line of merchandise available to the Gospel worker.


Haley History

DOCK HALEY, Our Founder – July 2, 1922 – Dec. 27, 1997

R.L. (Dock) Haley Jr. began his printing career during his high school years. A career that spanned over sixty years. Dock began printing magic books and tricks in 1955 as a side line to his printing business know as Haley House. In 1967 Dock joined the FCM (Fellowship of Christian Magicians), and this was the birth of Dock Haley Gospel Magic. Dock was the editor of the FCM’s magazine, “The Christian Conjurer” from 1976 until 1989. Over the past thirty years this ministry has grown to become the world largest producer of Gospel magic and books.

A decorated veteran of W W II Dock Haley is regarded as one of Connersville’s most respected citizens, becoming it’s youngest mayor at the age of 32. His political career spanned almost 40 years, from Township Trustee to Mayor to Municipal Court Judge.

On December 27th 1997 the world of Gospel Magic suffered a great loss with the passing of Dock Haley. He will be forever loved and often remembered.


As of June 1, 1998 Steve, and his wife, Barbara, became the new owners of “Dock Haley Gospel Magic Co”.

Steve Varro met Dock and Betty Haley in 1977 at the International Fellowship of Christian Magicians Conference held in Winona Lake, Indiana. Over the years they became friends and later business clients.

“To make one’s life work something that not only provides for the need in this world but also helps equip others with the tools to prepare still others for the Kingdom of God, is a real joy. I truly believe that my knowledge and talents can be put to use in accomplishing the goals that I feel are in line with Dock Haley’s desires and most importantly our Lord’s desires for this ministry.”

Steve has been involved with the art of magic/Illusion for the past 39 years, the first 10 as an amateur and the past 29 as a professional performer. Twenty one of these years have been as a Christian Illusionist (during all those years the Dock Haley magic effects have been a part of His programs).